GS 2017 CU11 update - issues with licencing, Studio 2017 client and Online Editor

Hello all,

We are experiencing a number of issues further to the CU11 patch to GS 2017 (TLS 1.0 and 1.1 disabled, TLS 1.2 enabled).

  1. Licence server: we are unable to retrieve Studio 2019 licences from the client (but can retrieve Studio 2017 licences…). The corresponding licences are clearly visible in the SafeNet LM. However, they do not seem to be distributed. Is it the case that Studio 2017 will not connect to the GS under TLS 1.2?
  2. Client-server connections: Studio 2019 (where we still have instances open, see above) connects to the server services ok. Studio 2017 however will not connect to the GS services (credentials rejected). Why would 2017 and 2019 behave differently in terms of licence retrieval?
  3. Online Editor: opens projects with a blank screen (check-in and disconnect buttons visible at the top of the screen). The parser gives two errors:



Would be very grateful if anyone was able to provide any feedback on these issues, especially the licencing matter in the first instance!



Parents Reply
  • Hi James,

    In order to resolve this, you would need to edit the AppParameters string for both SDL Feedback Service and SDL Translation Service on the GroupShare Application Server:

    Before making any changes, please back up your AppParameters registries so you would be able to revert the changes should the services not start or if you are facing other issues.

    Please replace [machinename] with your actual machine name where GroupShare is installed [the brackets need to be removed]:

    Feedback Service:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SDL Feedback Service\Parameters\

    -XX:NewRatio=7 -Xmx1024m -jar "C:\Program Files\SDL\SDL Server\Feedback Service\gs-feedback-service.jar" --logging.file="C:\ProgramData\SDL\Service\Logs\gs-feedback-service.log" --server.port=41259 --gs.proxy.location=[machinename]:41234 --gs-management-service.ribbon.listOfServers=[machinename]:41234 --translation-memory-service.ribbon.listOfServers=[machinename]:41235

    Translation Service:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SDL Translation Service\Parameters\

    -XX:NewRatio=7 -Xmx1024m -jar "C:\Program Files\SDL\SDL Server\Translation Service\gs-translation-service.jar" --logging.file="C:\ProgramData\SDL\Service\Logs\gs-translation-service.log" --server.port=41258 --gs.proxy.location=[machinename]:41234 --gs-management-service.ribbon.listOfServers=[machinename]:41234 --translation-memory-service.ribbon.listOfServers=[machinename]:41235 

    Please note that the Paths to the Services need to be changed/adapted if GroupShare is installed on a different drive than C:\. 

    Once the changes have been applied, restart the SDL Translation Service and the SDL Feedback Service. Log out / Log in to GroupShare and open a file for translation in the Online Editor. You now should have TM and Termbase Lookups.

    It may be required to change the [machinename] to either the FQDN of your Application Server or just the machine name. Please test this with both, but first, just use the machine name.
