An error occurred during default container registration

I tried to install Groupshare 2020 SR1 with web server address https://full_server_name/sdlservertest/ but I received following error in installation log at the end of installation:

2020-07-24 14:14:58.645#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Config.PostInstallation#CreateInternalTmServiceRestClient - https:/full_server_namet/sdlservertest:41235/
2020-07-24 14:14:58.650#Sdl.Server.Configuration.InternalTmServiceClient#InternalTmServiceClient - full_server_name/.../
2020-07-24 14:14:58.655#Sdl.Server.Configuration.InternalTmServiceClient#LogIn
2020-07-24 14:14:58.658#Sdl.Server.Configuration.InternalTmServiceClient#LogIn:Posting to full_server_name:41234/ with auth Basic R3JvdXBTaGFyZTpHcjB1cFNoYXJl


2020-07-24 14:16:09.212#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Wizard.PostInstallStep#An error occurred during default container registration - One or more errors occurred.

Is there any problem with HTTPS protokol in SR1 Groupshare installation? Or any idea?

There is incorrect URL for 41235 port. Default container registration when using HTTP works fine, but we need to use HTTPS.

Thank you very much.

  • Just to add that I'm having the same "default container registration" problem and I'm installing plain HTTP.

    2020-11-12 13:03:06.930#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Wizard.PostInstallStep#An error occurred during default container registration - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    2020-11-12 13:03:06.959#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Config.PostInstallation#An error occurred during default container registration - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Databases.DatabaseUtility.GetOrgGuid(String OrgName, DbConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
    at Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Config.PostInstallation.RegisterTMContainer(Action`1 Messenger, String RestUrl)
    2020-11-12 13:03:06.959#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Core.Operations#ConfigureTermbaseMigration
    2020-11-12 13:03:06.959#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Wizard.PostInstallStep#Configuration is complete, click Finish to close the Installer.

    I have the ticket opened ... 

  • Just to add that I'm having the same "default container registration" problem and I'm installing plain HTTP.

    2020-11-12 13:03:06.930#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Wizard.PostInstallStep#An error occurred during default container registration - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    2020-11-12 13:03:06.959#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Config.PostInstallation#An error occurred during default container registration - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Databases.DatabaseUtility.GetOrgGuid(String OrgName, DbConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
    at Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Config.PostInstallation.RegisterTMContainer(Action`1 Messenger, String RestUrl)
    2020-11-12 13:03:06.959#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Core.Operations#ConfigureTermbaseMigration
    2020-11-12 13:03:06.959#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Wizard.PostInstallStep#Configuration is complete, click Finish to close the Installer.

    I have the ticket opened ... 

  • Finally I solved it in following way: I upgraded from Groupshare 2017 SR1 CU08 to Groupshare 2020 SR1 CU3. At first I installed update -  Groupshare 2017 SR10, because Groupshare 2020 needs at least this version, not CU08! HTTP only!!! Then Groupshare 2020 SR1, HTTP only, finally Groupshare SR1 CU3, HTTP only. Database was upgraded correctly, container registered. Finally I reinstalled web server only to HTTPS, with this error, but now, this error is irrelevant. As I know, you have not to deal with it, because container was registered during previous installation. I do not know whether it helps to you. You have to be careful tu upgrade from supported version.