Online Editor (GS 2017 CU11) - erratic cursor and self-deleting text

Hello all,

We are experiencing some behaviour issues with the Online Editor under Groupshare 2017 (CU11) where several users on the internal corporate network access and translate the same document at the same time.

These behaviours mostly concern a very “jumpy” cursor and impromptu additions and (especially) deletions of text in segments in progress, which makes translating laborious and error prone.

It is as though OE was failing to distinguish between the actions of the two users.

Have others encountered this behaviour? Is it a known issue? If not, any ideas of what the source of the issue might be?

Many thanks,


  • Herllo ,

    * I have moved your post to the correct GroupShare forum.

    Its also perhaps worth logging a support ticket as this may be due to the configuration-

    on the internal corporate network access and translate the same document at the same time

    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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  • Dear all,

    We continue to experience this debilitating issue on the Online Editor, even having upgraded to GS 2020 (CU4).

    When multiple translators are working in the same document, their inputs interfere with each other, the symptoms are, for example:

    • Text inputs are recorded erratically (not all characters that are typed are recorded)
    • Text inputs previously entered are randomly deleted (but not randomly added)
    • Changes in tracked changes are not taken into account (this especially seems to be the case for deletions of text) - changes may initially appear (visually) to have been recorded, but subsequently disappear
    • The undo function applied by one user impacts one or both (or all) users in the document

     Has anyone else experienced these behaviours?

    Thanks in advance for your feedback,


  • Dear all,

    We continue to experience this debilitating issue on the Online Editor, even having upgraded to GS 2020.

    When multiple translators are working in the same document, their inputs interfere with each other, the symptoms are, for example:

    • Text inputs are recorded erratically (not all characters that are typed are recorded)
    • Text inputs previously entered are randomly deleted (but not randomly added)
    • Changes in tracked changes are not taken into account (this especially seems to be the case for deletions of text) - changes may initially appear (visually) to have been recorded, but subsequently disappear
    • The undo function applied by one user impacts one or both (or all) users in the document

     Has anyone else experienced these behaviours?

    Thanks in advance for your feedback,
