Hey, I have tried to install Groupshare version 2020 SR1 with web server address servernamehere/.../ but I received following error in installation log at the end of installation and everything was pretty much fine until then.
2020-09-07 01:19:52.645#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Config.PostInstallation#CreateInternalTmServiceRestClient - https:/full_server_namet/sdlservertest:41235/
2020-09-07 01:19:52.650#Sdl.Server.Configuration.InternalTmServiceClient#InternalTmServiceClient - full_server_name/.../
2020-09-07 01:19:52.655#Sdl.Server.Configuration.InternalTmServiceClient#LogIn
2020-09-07 01:19:52.658#Sdl.Server.Configuration.InternalTmServiceClient#LogIn:Posting to full_server_name:41234/ with auth Basic R3JvdXBTaGFyZTpHcjB1cFNoYXJl
2020-07-24 14:16:09.212#Sdl.Distribution.ServerInstall.Wizard.PostInstallStep#An error occurred during default container registration
I literally don't have proper knowledge how to fix it since there are a bunch of other errors also occurred. So, Is there any problem with HTTPS protokol in myloweslife SR1 Groupshare installation? Any kind of help would be appreciated for sure, try to give me some idea at least why i have seen that error and what might caused it to occur.
Thank you so much in advance.