GroupShare Online Editor- Training Plan

Interested in any experience that managers of SDL GS deployments have with training materials and strategy. 

We are a large professional services firms and are reviewing GS Online as a way to help non-translators with semi-formal training requirements. The materials I have found are accurate but reflect a limited management of,  and not novice user perspective.  We are and SDL Enterprise user ( SDL on prem).

Welcome any best practices or higher level strategy ( org structure, template creation, dictionaries and term bases, workflow, etc ..)  content on organizing rollout and use of online editor for success.



Parents Reply
  • Hi Adrian- Sorry for the confusion, I am borrowing a term from your sales team, which I thought was a good fit. We have a large population of staff in our 44 offices, who are asked to translate content for various operational purposes. These are not our inhouse translators or our external translation partners who help us deliver formal/certified  legal translations. We are reviewing various SDL tools with a goal to improve our informal and semi formal translation requirements and in parallel build assets that will help us improve our MT LPs for legal content. The GS Online editor and more specifically the ability to jump to this editor from our on premise MTE deployment is one of the key review points. 

    These non-translators are good in their jobs and native languages, but would not being doing translation frequently, so ease of use and  great " how to" for this infrequent user would be great.  
