How to delete a file from GroupShare project


I have adde reference files to a GroupShare project but I want to delete them now.

The delete file option is greyed out. Any ideas how to delete them?


  • For some use cases this workaround might be useful:
    1. Upload the reference files in a ZIP file.

    To remove reference files from a ZIP file:
    1. Check out the ZIP file.
    2. Open the ZIP and remove the files you want to remove.
    3. Check in the ZIP file with for example the comment ”Updated <date>”.

    The state of the ZIP file will be ”Out of date” for the translators and Server File Version on the File Details tab will e.g. have the comment ”Updated 2016-09-12”, so it's very clear for the translators that something has been done with the reference material.

    Now, if someone already downloaded the files that you removed you can't delete them from those people's hard drives (of course), but at least everyone involved in the project is up to date about what reference material is current. And it's a way to keep the project nice and clean.

    Drawback: The files can't be opened directly from within Studio. The ZIP application opens. On the other hand, the ZIP approach can be used for certain reference material in the project. Other files, that you know won't be removed you can add as normal, which can then be opened as normal from within Studio.

    Daniel Fransson | SDL Sweden

  • For some use cases this workaround might be useful:
    1. Upload the reference files in a ZIP file.

    To remove reference files from a ZIP file:
    1. Check out the ZIP file.
    2. Open the ZIP and remove the files you want to remove.
    3. Check in the ZIP file with for example the comment ”Updated <date>”.

    The state of the ZIP file will be ”Out of date” for the translators and Server File Version on the File Details tab will e.g. have the comment ”Updated 2016-09-12”, so it's very clear for the translators that something has been done with the reference material.

    Now, if someone already downloaded the files that you removed you can't delete them from those people's hard drives (of course), but at least everyone involved in the project is up to date about what reference material is current. And it's a way to keep the project nice and clean.

    Drawback: The files can't be opened directly from within Studio. The ZIP application opens. On the other hand, the ZIP approach can be used for certain reference material in the project. Other files, that you know won't be removed you can add as normal, which can then be opened as normal from within Studio.

    Daniel Fransson | SDL Sweden

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