How to delete a file from GroupShare project


I have adde reference files to a GroupShare project but I want to delete them now.

The delete file option is greyed out. Any ideas how to delete them?


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  • Hi, there is no way to delete a file on the server, but you can replace a file, if that is the purpose. Ther are some procedures that can help, even if they are not perfect.

    1st workaround: You can use the new feature "Update file" (since Studio 2019 SR2, I think). It works almost always, but yuo have to try a couple of time till you get it done, a few times it did not work for us.

    2nd workaround: Check-out the file(s) you want to replace, add the new file(s) in a subfolder only locally (do not publish it!) and prepare the target language file(s). Then go to the local folder where the files are (source and target), delete the old files and rename the new ones with the same name as the older ones. Move it from the subolder into the main folder. In Studio you can now check-in the file(s) in the main folder so that the new files are published on your server, available to all users. At the end, delete the subfolder with the new added files in the Studio project (this you can do, because you did not publsh them). Do it from the target folder in order to delete also the language versions. It will only delete the reference in the project, as you have renamed and placed them in the main folder.

    I hope this can be of help.

    Regards, Angelo

  • Hello Angelo,

    thanks for your reply. We also discovered the feature of updating a file. Your 2nd work around would probably also work if you need to replace a file.

    However there are cases when you really want to remove a file from the server project for good if you added it by mistake or just don't need it anymore. Or just for convenience if you want to re-import a large amount of files.

    Another issue is that the re-publishing as Luis suggested does not work for us. If we unpublish and try to re-publish then an error is thrown. If I delete the project in the WebUI of GS 2017 then it is not possible to re-publish the local files at all. The button for publishing is deactivated then. I will open a support ticket for this issue.

  • Hi Simon

    I was going through similar issues (and errors) when unpublishing and re-publishing a GS projects.

    With the GS2020 SR1 CU4 (I have tested this), I wasn't able to get these errors.  (I can imagine - I didn't test it, that this is still the issue on GS2017 SR1 latest builds.

    Note: I didn't do it "rough" way, meaning I gave couple of minutes to GS server to do the background tasks and sync ....