Installing Trados, GroupShare, opening files and xlf extension

Hi, I have a problem by Screenshot showing a 'How do you want to open this file?' dialog box with 'XLIFF Editor' and 'Look for an app in the Microsoft Store' options.Screenshot of Trados Studio with an 'Opening a document...' progress bar stuck at 0% and a 'Server Busy' error message in the background.installing the Studio program, I have the 2019 version, I managed to connect to GroupShare but every time I want to open a file in a project it doesn't open. Besides this, the files containing xlf extension receive an error when opening and further it does not work at all. I mention the fact that I posted once in the Community and I received this answer, but after performing these steps it still didn't work:

1. Check the server URL and protocol used (HTTP or HTTPS). It should be -
2. In Studio go to File -> Setup -> Servers and remove the connections
3. Stop Studio
4. Start Studio
5. Go to File -> Setup -> Servers -> add the connection to the GroupShare server - make sure you use correct credentials
What should I do in this case?

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[edited by: Trados AI at 6:52 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]