Priority to freelancer's personal term base in GroupShare


Is it technically possible for an agency to permit a distant freelancer to create their own term base and give it "first position" priority so they can enter new terms "on the fly" (with Ctrl_Caps + F2)?

Parents Reply
  • Sorry for the delay... I had to check this on a GS server and only just got around to it.  I created an external user in GroupShare and gave very minimal permissions to it.  Then I logged in and opened the GroupShare project, created a brand new termbase, set it as default and added a term:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing the Translation Results pane with Language Weaver Cloud provider and Term Recognition pane with a highlighted term 'Confidential'.

    It seems to work just fine for me.  I can see the result from the GroupShare termbase, but I can also add terms and see the lookups from my own. 

    So then, because I'm not too familiar with GroupShare, I double checked with the product manager.  He said " no, that's not possible. Studio specifically allows to add any local TM and/or TB resources to an opened GS project."

    So, my conclusion is that you only moved your Termbase above the GroupShare termbase.  You did not set it as default and it is that action that determines whether or not you can add terms to it, not the fact it's on top.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio Project Settings with a highlighted instruction 'You must select your TM and then click here' pointing to the 'Set Default' button for termbases.

    Once you do this it will be moved above and the "set default" button will be deactivated because you have now made it the default:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio Project Settings showing 'My own TB' set as the default termbase with a green checkmark.

    Perhaps this will help?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    [edited by: Trados AI at 6:53 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]