Trados Client Project Folder Abnormal after a Remote GS SQL Server LDF file Shrinking

Hi Community,

We have a GroupShare 2017 SR1 and SDL Trados Studio 2017.

Recently, we shrank the GroupShare SQL server ldf log file by detaching -> remove ->attaching in MSDS (saved over 100G space).

When we finish this, we find everything is normal and faster. But when a translater pull the project from the server, his folder will become something like this:

Screenshot of a Trados Studio project folder with only one file visible, named 'ProjectName-ProjectCode.sdlproj', indicating missing source and target language folders.

As we see above, only sdlproj appears. normally, it should have more folders here, such as the source language folder and target language folder.

Anybody has encountered this?

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[edited by: Trados AI at 6:54 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]