Hi all,
We have a complete new GroupShare installation on a Windows 2019 Server. We have a valid certificate installed in IIS.
We can login to the GroupShare console via Windows/GroupShare authentication either through http or by https.
We can login from Studio 2021 via Windows/GroupShare authentication ONLY through http. Login through https produces the following error:
Please check that you have entered the correct server connection settings and that the server is available. System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException, System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089.
Before GrouShare GS: - GS 2020 SR1 CU06 endpoints where configured in the web.config file. This file has complety changed in CU6. Unfortunately, the installation document is still on an old revision. So the description doesn't help for the CU6 SSL configuration. Does anyone has already experienced the same issue and knows how to resolve it. Or can anyone tell me when we can expect a documentation that is up-to date?
Thanks Joachim