Question About reindexallTM scheduled task and database flag, and Fine grained Alignement process in GS 2020

Hi there :) 

I have found that there is a background process called  Reindex All Tms in database (dbo.scheduledTask), wich is programed to run every night at 19h ( i found that indeed it run because there is a start date and completed date in database)

Unfortunalty it seem that it not reindex any TM, (process take only 2 min...). Where i can trigger a TM on database to reindex with this process ? or on Groupshare interface ??

I can t find anywhere where to activate auto reindexation with this process.

Also , we have one process called FINE GRAINED ALIGNMENT , wich systematicly send a WARNING in log (Bearer lifetime was removed ) , any idea where it could came from ?

Thanks a lot :) 

  • Hi  

    You have some good questions here and while I am slightly out of touch with all the latest details around GroupShare let me share with you how I see it.

    Firstly, where you say Bearer lifetime was removed

    In general to access resources a bearer token is acquired/required. When done accessing the resource it is removed again. Nothing unusual therefore.

    Then secondly indexing.

    As you indicated in your post there are 2 types.
    One that is programmed to run every night and another that can be triggered from the GS Web UI.

    “Reindexing a TM now involves several operations on the data, namely:

    • Prior to reindex, get lists of TUs that share source or target hashes
    • Deleting and re-inserting fuzzy index entries
    • Detecting whether source or target segment has changed tokenization, by comparing segment hash values
    • If tokenization has changed, deleting alignment data and fragment index entries
    • Updating the main TU data (segment content, tokenization data, segment hashes, tags)
    • Inserting a 'relaxed' segment hash into the fragment index, if not already present
    • If the source segment hash changed, updating corresponding context1 entries in the translation_unit_contexts table
    • If the target segment hash changed, updating corresponding context2 entries in the translation_unit_contexts table
    • Once reindex is complete, perform 'CM expansion' if needed (i.e. if tokenization has become more discriminating)
    • Delete any 'orphan' CM entries (spurious entries whose hashes don't correspond to the content of any TU) and duplicate CM entries that may have been created when updating context1 and context2 entries (i.e. if tokenization has become less discriminating)”

    That said, the “nightly”/”daily” reindexing is from my point of view slightly different as when triggering a reindex manually via the GroupShare WebUI because the “daily” reindexing, as far as I understand, is doing a reindexing only on data that was changed/added over the day. So I think that triggering the  “manual” reindexing via via the GroupShare WebU, is performing the above tasks regardless if something was changed or not.

    If you want to trigger reindexing manually but from outside the GS WebUI then there is a way for that to be done provided you have the correct skill set:

    Would love to see if others in the community could validate or contribute to this post -     


    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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  • Hi  

    You have some good questions here and while I am slightly out of touch with all the latest details around GroupShare let me share with you how I see it.

    Firstly, where you say Bearer lifetime was removed

    In general to access resources a bearer token is acquired/required. When done accessing the resource it is removed again. Nothing unusual therefore.

    Then secondly indexing.

    As you indicated in your post there are 2 types.
    One that is programmed to run every night and another that can be triggered from the GS Web UI.

    “Reindexing a TM now involves several operations on the data, namely:

    • Prior to reindex, get lists of TUs that share source or target hashes
    • Deleting and re-inserting fuzzy index entries
    • Detecting whether source or target segment has changed tokenization, by comparing segment hash values
    • If tokenization has changed, deleting alignment data and fragment index entries
    • Updating the main TU data (segment content, tokenization data, segment hashes, tags)
    • Inserting a 'relaxed' segment hash into the fragment index, if not already present
    • If the source segment hash changed, updating corresponding context1 entries in the translation_unit_contexts table
    • If the target segment hash changed, updating corresponding context2 entries in the translation_unit_contexts table
    • Once reindex is complete, perform 'CM expansion' if needed (i.e. if tokenization has become more discriminating)
    • Delete any 'orphan' CM entries (spurious entries whose hashes don't correspond to the content of any TU) and duplicate CM entries that may have been created when updating context1 and context2 entries (i.e. if tokenization has become less discriminating)”

    That said, the “nightly”/”daily” reindexing is from my point of view slightly different as when triggering a reindex manually via the GroupShare WebUI because the “daily” reindexing, as far as I understand, is doing a reindexing only on data that was changed/added over the day. So I think that triggering the  “manual” reindexing via via the GroupShare WebU, is performing the above tasks regardless if something was changed or not.

    If you want to trigger reindexing manually but from outside the GS WebUI then there is a way for that to be done provided you have the correct skill set:

    Would love to see if others in the community could validate or contribute to this post -     


    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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