I am in trouble with 2019

I work in Groupshare for one of my clients and did so for a long time in 2017. After an update of their servers, I had to update to 2019. When I open Studio 2019, I get the opening window from my client, but apparently it is impossible to find the correct

password to enter. No matter what I do, this alert comes up and then shots down Studio. I can't even get to help or anywhere else. Anyone?

Error message in Trados Studio 2019 stating 'Activation of the constructor on type 'Sdl.WalkMe.ViewPart.View.TipInfoView' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.' with an OK button.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 7:01 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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