Hi all,
This seems to have been discussed elsewhere, but nothing works for me and I'm losing the will to live hehe.
Crux of the matter is, a client is fully migrating to GS, and it will cause issues in future if I can't connect.
I get this error message:
/cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/347/sdlerror_2D00_20221021_2D00_15h20m14s.sdlerror.sdlerror.xml (let me know if you have any issues viewing this.
I've been told it's partly due to Trados 17 not being compatible anymore, but this matrix suggests the exact opposite: https://gateway.sdl.com/apex/communityknowledge?articleName=000001175.
I assume they are using the latest GS version, but yet to receive confirmation either way.
Any advice on this would be appreciated.