Batch task failure

Dear community, 

I have a problem executing batch tasks.  A window shows up saying that no batch task can be run since I have no check out permissions for this o that project. I´ve tried with different projects and different batch task, but alwasys the same window. It never happened before. Please could you help me to solve this issue? Tnak you in advance

Parents Reply
  • Dear Paul, 

    Thank you for your response. The projects are created internally in Groupshare by our leader. But it is not the first time that I work on them, and the failure of batch task functions has happened only recently, so when I try to run any batch task the following window pops up:

    You cannot run batch tasks in this project because you do not have check out file permissions.

    What could be the reason for this? Is it a matter of some specific permissions/roles or just a matter of settings? But I haven´t changed any either project or file settings.

    Thank you in advance! 
