How to download Zip folders?

Hi there,

I'm a newbie with GroupShare 2017 and struggling to get my head around it. 

My question is probably an elementary one, but I really get stuck on this and would be grateful for your help.

I receive reference material on Trados GroupShare and then am asked to "download the Zip folder and refer to the files inside".
So I go to this screen in Files and right click, but can't find an option that would help me download.  

If I select Open File Externally, an access denied error message comes up, and Open File With does not help either.
Screenshot of GroupShare 2017 interface showing a right-click context menu with options like Open File Externally and Open File With, but no download option. A Zip folder is highlighted in the file list.

Please note, my question is not about extracting from the Zip folders; I want to download and save the Zip folders onto my local computer.

I'm using Trados Studio 2021 Freelance on Windows 10.

Thank you for your attention.



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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:08 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]