TMX file is not importing in a Groupshare TM

Hello, first of all, I'd like to propose a sub-group for Groupshare users - this way it would be easy to adress all questions and answers related to the product.

I have a multilingual TM in Groupshare 2014 for several language pairs, all having Spanish as source language. I cannot import a tmx in combination Spanish(Spain)->Valencian(Spain).

The tmx comes from exporting a local Spanish-Valencian TM. No fields added, just a plain export and a plain import in Groupshare TM. Code is ca-ES-valencia. 

I tried both from Studio 2014 as from the server itself, with same result, all segments readed, 0 imported, all segments marked as error. I keep the file containing errors and for each segment I read <!--Error: TMImportFieldNotExists--> although all the fields are the same as the rest of tmxs I imported into the TM and the language pair exists in TM too.

Could it be possibly a conflict between language variants, codes, etc.? In my Groupshare TM I have also the pair Spanish(Spain)->Catalan(Spain) - code ca-ES. I need to work with both variants.

Thanks in advance.,


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