What is a 'Container' in a GroupShare context?

I'm trying to create a TM in GroupShare and have followed the "Creation wizard for a new translation memory".

However, at the final stage the "Finish" button is greyed-out. I suspect this is because the "Container" field has been left empty.

I've looked around and found that our GroupShare installation doesn't yet have any containers defined, and that I can define these in the Infrastructure section.

But this brings about two questions:

  1. What is a container in this context?
  2. I'm unable to create a container because the "Database server" drop-down doesn't offer anything to select.

I've added a database (which I called "Default" and which I pointed towards the same DB on which GroupShare is already running), and then attempted to attach a container to this. But it tells me

    Cannot find configuration data for [whatever I enter in the "Database Name" field] - this is not a TM Server database/container
    Invalid object name 'dbo.parameters'
    --> Start upgrading Database Schema from TM Server 8.05 to 8.06...

It looks like my lack of understanding is restricting me here. Can anyone shed any light on this situation?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Walter,

    The DB's name, as shown on the image, is not complete. For security I won't say what the full name is, but GroupShare doesn't show the full name - it does when double-clicked and more details are revealed, but in that summary view it shows only the first X characters.

    I know that these details must be correct because GroupShare tests the details provided when adding a server; if I edit the server now and change the username, it tells me that it can't connect unless the correct details are entered.

    >> our server should contain at least one container.

    That's the impression I got, but there presently isn't one. And that's what I'm trying to do now. Is this a step which you would expect the installer to have taken care of? We installed GroupShare ourselves using SDL's guide.

    The specific problem I'm having now is while trying to add a Container, what do I enter in the "Database name" field? It doesn't allow the name of my database (...-db.cloudapp.net) because of the characters it contains.

    [Also, I've replaced the graphic in my previous post which contained part of the DB name. Would you mind removing it from your reply for security reasons?]
