We have GroupShare installed on a server. Also installed on the same server is SDL MultiTerm Administrator. I can also see that we have a database called MTMaster installed, which contains termbase information. So MutliTerm Online is running.
In "SDL MultiTerm Administrator" there is a Termbase Wizard which presents some options for creating new termbases from scratch or using another termbase as the template. I've followed the last option using an existing termbase, and although I can create a 'shallow copy' of the termbase, none of the terms are imported, just the languages, fields, etc.
So is it possible to import a termbase?
Furthermore, in MultiTerm, when I click on "Open Termbase" and ensure that the server is listed, it still doesn't see the new (empty) termbase which now exists on the server. Likewise, if I want to create a new termbase it asks me for a location on the local drive.
How does MultiTerm Online dovetail into MultiTerm?
And I'm still left wondering were termbases fit into GroupShare. The GroupShare web interface makes no mention of termbases.
What am I missing?