Multiterm Desktop & Additional Viewer CAL - LSP


my company bought MultiTerm Desktop licences and Additionnal Viewer CAL. The goal is to provide a temporary access for our freelancers that do not use Studio to our Term bases (MultiTerm)

• Ideally, it would be necessary to send the freelancer an automatically generated link that would give him / her limited read-only access to the terminology database associated with his / her project. The link should only be active for the duration of the project, to prevent the freelancer from consulting our databases for purposes other than those foreseen.

• It should also be possible to know in real time which freelancers are using our bases.

• We also need to be able to disconnect freelancers from the Term base as needed.

Is it possible?

FYI : we use Studio and Groupshare 2015.

Thank you very much.

