Passolo 2016 generate garbled files after alignment


I'm using Passolo 2016 in Win 7 paltform.
Files to be handled are iOS string file with *.strings extension, the NSLocalized string files.
I try to generate target files after doing alignment, but files end up to be garbled.

Files that I use to align are in UTF-8 WITHOUT signature format, and it failed as the contents are shown garbled (all Western-European and Asian languages) after alignment.
So, I convert my UTF-8 WITHOUT signature files into UTF-8 WITH signature, and it aligns without error or garbled this time.

But, but, those aligned files cannot work well as generated target files...
After I click the "generate target files" and check those files, the aligned contents are still garbled...(in Asian languages only)

Can someone please help me with this issue?
What should I do to make it work normally?

Thanks in advance.

Parents Reply Children
  • Would you please help advise how to correctly set up the cod pages for source and target file?
    I manually convert the UTF8-without BOM encoded source file into UTF8-with BOM encoded, but the generated target files are still garbled.
    Thanks for your reply and help.
  • If your generated target files for non-1252 languages have garbled characters, it means they are most likely generated from Passolo with western encoding (you can check that by opening them in a text editor like EmEditor to see the encoding). In Passolo you can specify what encoding should be used for target files by going to the string list properties for the target file and clicking on "Advanced". UTF8 is typically a safe selection. This option can be specified for files using the text parser. By the way, this has nothing to do with alignment, as long as the translated text displays ok inside Passolo. It is strictly a target file option issue. Another approach is to make sure all your source files are UTF8 with BOM (signature), and then the default option "same as target file" will work too.

    However - if the target files have UTF8 encoding but are still appearing garbled, then my guess is that it's an environment issue on your PC/Mac. Check to make sure you have the correct Asian fonts installed.