XLIFF 2.0 notes not coming into Passolo

I had this problem with XLIFF 1.2. When I try to implement the same or similar fix it isn't working. Here is what my en XLIFF looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<xliff srcLang="en-US" trgLang="en-US" version="2.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0">
<file id="en-US.xlf">
<unit id="i18n.infra.config.tools.uiLabel.mim">
<note appliesTo="source">Name of MIM tool</note>

Here is my line from XFG

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<CXMLRule m_strName="XLIFF Project" m_bResolveExternal="False">
<RootElement Name="xliff"/>
<CXMLGroup ElementName="file" IDAttributeName="Id" HandlingOfGroups="1"/>
<CXMLData ElementName="unit/segment/source" IDAttributeName="id" TElementName="target" IsTElement="True" HandlingOfWhiteSpaces="0" HandlingOfEmbeddedElements="0" AppendElementNameToID="False" UseSegmenter="False">
<CXMLAttribute AttributeName="parent::*/descendant::alt-trans/source | parent::*/descendant::alt-trans/target,multiple" CopyAttributeName="False" AttributeAction="0"/>
<CXMLAttribute AttributeName="parent::*[attribute::translate='no']/attribute::translate" CopyAttributeName="False" AttributeAction="1"/>
<CXMLAttribute AttributeName="parent::*[attribute::translate='yes']/attribute::translate" CopyAttributeName="False" AttributeAction="2"/>
<CXMLAttribute AttributeName="ancestor::group/context-group/context[attribute::context-type='IGNORE_IT'][text()='YES']" CopyAttributeName="False" AttributeAction="3"/>
<CXMLAttribute AttributeName="ancestor::group/context-group/context[attribute::context-type='IGNORE_IT'][text()='NO']" CopyAttributeName="False" AttributeAction="4"/>
<CXMLAttribute AttributeName="parent::*/pdns:notes/pdns:note/attribute::applies-to | parent::*/pdns:notes/pdns:note,valueid" CopyAttributeName="False" AttributeAction="0"/>

I had to change CMLData ElementName to "Unit/segment/source" to get the strings to come into Passolo. 

I there any good documentation that describes the XML tags and options? The Passolo doc is pretty thin. I have two projects now that have different formats and would like to better understand what these lines are doing and how I can use them to my advantage. Neither project has used a tool like Passolo. So we are evaluating to see if it will work for our validation efforts. 


Parents Reply Children
  • Can you send me a sample project? I have tried a few different ways and verifed that my changes are be pulled into Passolo, but in the configuration viewer I am still not seeing the fields I want being selected. I think I finally am getting Ancestor/Parent/Decendant, but don't know why it isn't working. I also removed the XMLS from the source file too. So now I have added these three lines:

    <CXMLAttribute AttributeName="ancestor::group/notes/note[attribute::context-type='IGNORE_IT'][text()='YES']" CopyAttributeName="False" AttributeAction="3"/>
    <CXMLAttribute AttributeName="ancestor::group/notes/note[attribute::context-type='IGNORE_IT'][text()='NO']" CopyAttributeName="False" AttributeAction="4"/>

    Don't know if these even need to be there, but they are present in the project that is working.

    <CXMLAttribute AttributeName="ancestor*::/descendant::pdns:notes/pdns:note/attribute::appliesto | ancestor*::/descendant::pdns:notes/pdns:note,valueid" CopyAttributeName="False" AttributeAction="0"/>

    I changed to ancestor*, but tried with the explicit ancestor::pdns:unit/...


  • Do you input this in the Passolo configuration menu or in the XFG file? I did the settings in the Configuration menu:
    Screenshot of Trados Studio XML Rule Configuration window with XLIFF files tree view on the left and XML Data Element settings on the right. A pop-up window titled 'XML Meta Data' is open, showing 'Set comment' action for an attribute.

    And the result seems ok.

    If this does not help - please raise a support case with the file, the LPU and the XML rule created (if is not present in the project).


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    [edited by: Trados AI at 5:47 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]