How to check target strings if single word is written in upper or lower case?


I'm currently trying to check if single words in a target string are written only in capital letters instead of upper and lower case (i. e. "TODAY" instead of "Today") with Passolo 2022 Collaboration Edition.
I thought,I could do this with a glossary for forbidden words and enter the related words in the wrong spelling (upper and lower case).

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work. Strings which contains words, written only in capital letters - and are therefore correct - are marked as erroneous, too. Strings, which contain a word, spelled with upper and lower letters and which is part of the "forbidden words" glossary with this spelling, are marked as erroneous, as they should.

Please be so kind to give me a hint, how to check target strings for correct upper and lower case spelling.
Any tips and hints are very welcome.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thank you very much in advance for your support.

Kind regards and have a great day.

  • Can you please list some examples (source and target) that should be found as errors and also counter examples that should not be found as errors?

    I assume that "TODAY" is a variable text and so it will probably come down to developing a checking macro that compares, for example, the number of capitalized words in source text and translation independently of the text.

  • Hello ,

    yes, you're right. "Today" has only been a variable text as a placeholder for a product name.

    Let me try to explain a little deeper. For example, I'd like to check, if the target string contains "TODAY" instead of "Today" or "today", if "TODAY" (or even "Today") is part of the source string. The use of this shall be, to be able to check if product names are spelled correctly in the target strings. Independent how they were spelled in the source string.

    In the meantime, I've added the word to a MultiTerm database, both, with the correct and the erroneous spelling. The spelling with upper and lower case has been marked as "forbidden".
    Unfortunately, this check doesn't seem to recognize the misspelled word as "forbidden", too. Confused

    Are my thinkings about this wrong? Should I use "inline tags" for this purpose? And if so, how to set them up correctly to achieve this goal?
    Entering a product name, written in capital letters in the inline tags configuration, leads to a lot messages that the product name has been found in the target, but not the source string.
    Would it be possible, to hide these "false" positives? Maybe, this could be a solution for us.

    Thank you very much for your further information.

    Best regards and have a great day.

  • Please try the Inline Pattern function.

    Trados Studio Inline Pattern function window with 'product names' pattern active. Text to search field contains '(MyABC3@YourDEF321@)'. Options for 'Use regular expression', 'Search case sensitive', 'Convert to inline tag', and various checking rules are displayed.

    and insert your product names. Please be aware that this won't work performant enough, if you have 150 product names in your expression and very long segments. I'm mentioning this, because we had such a case in the past. Each string in this expression needs to be matched against your source and target segments, which might take some time.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 5:59 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hello ,

    thank you very much for your hint about the inline pattern function. That's, what I've ment with "inline tags" in my last post. Smile
    This seams to work. Even if it lists strings, where the spelling in the source strings is wrong, but in the target string is correct. It would be nice, if there were an option, to only check the target strings or just hide results, where the number of matches in the source is 0 but in the target is > 0.

    Could you please be so kind to let me know, what the "Text of matches must be the same" option does? Unfortunaltely, I can't find any further information on that in the documentation and I don't see any difference in the results, using this option or not.

    And does it make any difference, if I'm adding all product names into one single inline pattern or if every product name gets its own inline pattern, regarding the performance?

    Thanks in advance for your reply and your further information.

    Best regards

  • Usually the Inline Pattern feature is used to markup placeholders and the corresponding RegEx will be created a generic way, like markup all double curly bracketed placeholders.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing two lines of text. The first line reads 'Hallo firstname lastname' with placeholders highlighted. The second line reads 'Hallo erstername letzername' with a red wavy underline indicating an error.

    The option "Text of matches must be the same" ensures that translators don’t change the inner text of a placeholder. If this was done an error will be reported.

     Regarding the performance question, I would suggest having one single pattern, assuming that you don’t have many product names.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 5:59 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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