in my workflow, I'm using a macro tor updating and leveraging the source string lists, filtering some strings and to update and pretranslate the target string lists afterwards.
Unfortunately, I didn't found a possibility to update and leverage the source lists as a collection - not by updating/leveraging each source list one by one instead of all source lists as a collection.
And I didn't found a possibility to update and pretranslate the target string lists - for a single language - as a collection instead of one by one, too.
Please be so kind to let me know, how updating, leveraging and pretranslating can be run as a single action by a macro instead of updating, laveraging and pretranslating each string list one by one.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thank you very much in advance for your support.
Kind regards and have a nice day.