Xbench / macro checks won't run in Passolo 2018

Hello, everyone!

Does anyone know why my macro checks or Xbench checks won't run in Passolo 2018 - Translator Edition?

I have taken all of the necessary steps to set everything up, including setting up the add-in for Xbench, but whenever I'm done with my translation and I proceed to the macro checks, I get an error message saying "Cannot initialize basic editor." On the other hand, the error message for Xbench says "Internal error: Could not get macro result" (screenshots following).

Error dialog box from Passolo with a warning icon and message 'Cannot initialize the Basic editor.' with an OK button.

Error dialog box from PAIXbenchAddIn with a warning icon and message 'Internal error: Could not get macro result.' with an OK button.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance,


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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 11:03 AM (GMT 1) on 15 Jul 2024]
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