Unable to connect MultiTerm and Studio AddIn

Although MT and Studio are installed on my machine. I seem to be unable to connect the relevant addins. I have Passolo 2015 and MT/Studio 2015. Also, when I click on Setup... - nothing happens.
Message for MT:

No supported SDL MultiTerm version is installed on this machine

Message for Studio:

Please install SDL Trados Studio software to use "SDL Trados Studio" addin. If it is already installed, provide the installation directory on addin's settings .xml file

What exactly to I have to enter in this xml? In the first InstallLocation or in both?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <!-- If Passolo does not find the Trados Studio installation path you can enter it here -->

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Michaela,

    Please read below the procedure that should help fix the Studio issue:

    1- Copy the path to the installation folder ie. C:\Program Files\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\Studio2 (or 3 or even 4)
    2- Open the Notepad in Administrator mode (ie. click Start then right click on Notepad then choose Run as Administrator.
    3- Click Open > File.
    4- Fill in the File name field with the path to the Passolo settings file for Studio (ie. C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL\SDL Passolo\SDL Passolo Translator 2015\System\DnTradosStudio) then choose All files (*.*) in the drop down list. Double-click the settings.xml file.
    5- Once the file is open, paste the Studio installation folder hereabove between the tags <InstallLocation> and </InstallLocation> (without space).
    6- Close the file and save the changes

    Then Open Passolo again, and check that the connection with Studio is OK (Tools > Add-Ins, then click the Translation Tab and click Load). A green check should replace the red cross.

    Now for Multiterm:
    You should check that you have the .pai file corresponding to your MT (ie. PAITransMultiTerm.pai) in folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL\SDL Passolo\SDL Passolo Translator 2015\System.

    Unfortunately, I could not tell where to get that file from if you do not have it. You should probably look for it in your installation folders on your C:\.

    Hope this helps
    Kind regards,

  • Thanks - Studio is working now.
    MT still isn't. The only .pai relating to MT I find on the system is already in the above mentioned folder.