When aligning multiple files there is no "Language to extract:" menu in the dialog.

If I want to align multiple files there is no "Language to extract:" menu in the dialog. It is only there for one file at a time. How can I align all the files at once?

Parents Reply
  • (David, please shout if you feel like I'm hijacking your thread.)

    Thanks for following up, Achim.

    After much fiddling I now have the target path and file name settings the way Passolo wants them, so I think I've taken care of your first bullet point.

    But now I'm getting a "Target language not found" error when I try to run Scan Target File (Alignment) on all of the files. When I do one individually, on the Alignment dialog in the Language to extract dropdown I'm offered two choices:

    • neutral
    • Japanese

    Does this mean that Passolo thinks my files contain another "neutral" language in addition to Japanese? The language is declared in this section at the top of each .RC file:

    // Japanese resources
    #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_JPN)
    #ifdef _WIN32
    #pragma code_page(932)
    #endif //_WIN32

    In the Passolo project I have specified the target language as Japanese and the code page as 932.

    Some background on my project:

    • Japanese is the only target language.
    • I am working with .RC files, no .DLLs.