If I want to align multiple files there is no "Language to extract:" menu in the dialog. It is only there for one file at a time. How can I align all the files at once?
If I want to align multiple files there is no "Language to extract:" menu in the dialog. It is only there for one file at a time. How can I align all the files at once?
Maybe my previous post was not clear enough. It is possible to align all files in one single step, but there are 2 pre-requisites:
(David, please shout if you feel like I'm hijacking your thread.)
Thanks for following up, Achim.
After much fiddling I now have the target path and file name settings the way Passolo wants them, so I think I've taken care of your first bullet point.
But now I'm getting a "Target language not found" error when I try to run Scan Target File (Alignment) on all of the files. When I do one individually, on the Alignment dialog in the Language to extract dropdown I'm offered two choices:
Does this mean that Passolo thinks my files contain another "neutral" language in addition to Japanese? The language is declared in this section at the top of each .RC file:
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Japanese resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_JPN) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_JAPANESE, SUBLANG_DEFAULT #pragma code_page(932) #endif //_WIN32
In the Passolo project I have specified the target language as Japanese and the code page as 932.
Some background on my project:
Thanks very much for your help, Achim. Regarding the language codes, it looks like Passolo is following this list or something similar:
Thanks very much for your help, Achim. Regarding the language codes, it looks like Passolo is following this list or something similar: