XML localization


I have to translate a xml file for software localization which has a structure that is not compatible with the embedded xml structures in Passolo 2015 (see the example).
In the help file I found something about "custom rules" but I wasn't able to create one that was accepted by Passolo :-(

Can somebody help me to build a custom rule or create one that I can import? I'm a designer and manual writer but not a developer... in this case: Alas!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LangWrapper xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema- 
<string>Add Plug-in</string>
<string>Sürücü Ekle</string>
<string>Plug-in hinzufügen</string>
<string>Start/End Date</string>
<string>Bşl./Bitiş Tarihi</string>

 This is a short part of the original file which has more than 18000 lines ...

Thank you for reading this and trying to help me


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