In May we released Trados Studio 2022, the latest release of our computer-assisted translation software. As with every release, Trados Studio 2022 brings new features and functionality to help users improve efficiencies and keep costs down- this release in particular enhances the synchronisation between Trados Studio and our cloud platform, enabling you to more effectively combine the power of both environments. In addition, it introduces a new ‘Manager view’ (in beta) offering users the option to manage projects and files more intuitively from one Studio view.
Being innovative is of course a key priority for us, however, we also remain committed to refining existing use cases and working through any issues to improve our customers’ experience - in Studio 2022 we believe we’ve successfully balanced both objectives, delivering something for everyone.
So then, how have we refined existing use cases? Over the last 18 months, we have spent an enormous amount of time reviewing suggestions received through our online community, by our support teams, on social media platforms and the like, to identify a list of priorities. And we are now very pleased to announce that we have delivered over 250 customer requests in the Trados Studio 2022 release– over 100% more than in Trados Studio 2021! This is a massive feat by our development teams and we’re very proud of what we have accomplished.
Here’s a list of all the fixes we’ve made:
- Project list filter cleared after each Studio restart
- Project creation fails with the error "The process cannot access the file xzy because it is used by another process"
- Studio crashes without error when adding new project template during project creation
- Object reference error when opening an .sdlxliff that was previously virtually merged with a third-party CAT tool file
- Content for a third-level organisation cannot be shown in Studio
- Trados Studio freezes when trying to open merged files within the Project View, with multiple target languages
- PerfectMatch not working when using Trados Professional on subscription
- Term Recognition hitlist settings for termbase fields not saved between Studio sessions
- Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\SDLTempFileRegen\sdlxliff_....tmp'
- Opening a Microsoft PowerPoint file in Studio causes it to crash without any error messages
- Studio 2021 crashes without error message when opening an Adobe InDesign file for translation
- Impossible to connect to a WorldServer (Server) Translation Memory after opening a WorldServerXZ package in certain Studio versions
- TM Import: trying to import two (or more) .tmx's at once fails with this error - "Import failed. The file could not be processed."
- TM import: "Browse" button inactive when trying to select a location for the invalid translation units
- "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure." error when accessing community forums from Studio using Help -> Forums
- Trying to install plugins from the WorldServer Appstore integration freezes Studio
- Error 'Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users…' when trying to open WorldServer packages
- Inconsistency in the way creation/modification date and time are saved in a TM, depending on method of update
- PerfectMatch incorrectly matches footnote tags from earlier versions
- Impossible to install LicenseServerManager_2.0.27550 on an OS with .NET 4.8
- StudioViews plugin deletes tags placed between segments when the file is split
- XLIFF 2.0 CanResegment attribute value is not preserved in all cases
- Punjabi (Pakistan) uses left-to-right instead of right-to-left
- Cannot create package from SDLXLIFF without an embedded source file
- Match in target segment is duplicated if tag definition rules are custom in Excel Embedded content processing
- Special characters shown as garbled (squares) when the target language of project is Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan), but the input language is a different one (non-Latin)
- QA Check generates no errors for missing formatting tag pair(s)
- Assembly binding for Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch not updated to match the *.dll version
- Could not load file or assembly 'Aspose.Diagram' or one of its dependencies
- Studio TM - context match not applied when the "Show most recent translations first" option is enabled
- XML: Embedded content processing CDATA extracts duplicates in Editor
- Opening WorldServer packages without source lang folders fails with this error: "Could not find a part of the path ..."
- Unicode character 1D707 not displayed in Studio
- Changed hitlist settings on Term Recognition tab not saved after Studio is closed
- Studio Editor: Studio crashes when opening a file which contains "special" fonts
- Object reference not set to an instance of an object. when analysing or pre-translating files after project creation for files with track changes enabled
- Special character is invisible in source segment when source language is set to be Chinese
- Inconsistency check challenge with segments containing tracked changes
- Tracked deletions counted as missing translation in Studio Verify Files reports
- Tracked changes: Rejected 'tracked changes' matches reported as Context Matches rather than fuzzy matches
- Auth0/Server termbase connection - Error: Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.SHDocVw, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db7cfd3acb5ad44e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified
- Input Models are not working as expected when using Default Layout
- Tagalog is missing in MultiTerm
- Studio does not start if there is a corrupt project file (.sdlproj) in project list
- Unable to Analyse Files after merging segments in Studio (local projects)
- Edit translation unit dialog box is not right-to-left for bidirectional languages
- Adobe InDesign file causes a crash in Studio
- Special characters shown as garbled (squares) for different languages
- Tag verifier in Studio does not spot missing tag pairs if the tag pairs are identical but have different IDs
- English words from bidirectional text using reversed order when file is processed in Studio 2021 SR1 CU4
- Snihala (SriLanka) characters are not displayed correctly in Studio
- AutoCorrect: Replace quotes near tags affects other quotes beside the current character
- AutoCorrect settings are not imported in Studio
- Words shown as distinct characters in the Editor for right-to-left languages in segments containing formatting tags
- Customers list dialog now requires an email address
- Standard local projects deleted from project list after Studio restart, when Studio 2021 is activated using a Language Cloud Subscription on a computer not part of a domain network
- AutoCorrect: Replace text as you type is triggered for slow typing translators
- Match Repair for Batch Tasks takes several hours to complete
- XML v2 file type: length verification does not count leading/trailing spaces in a CDATA element
- Studio crashes consistently while exiting the application with certain projects
- Studio error when creating Project TM (Batch task Prepare) - UNIQUE constraint failed:
- Object reference error when activating Trados with Language Cloud subscription if the hard drive ID contains spaces
- False positive QA checker results in Studio for certain regex rules
- An error has occurred while using the translation provider: Value cannot be null Parameter name: source
- Adding USB drives to a computer will break the subscription license
- Update from bilingual review fails for previously merged segments
- Comments added to target segments are deleted when using the command "Update file", even when the segment in question is not updated
- Perfect Match option "Matching Previous Documents from Folder" can only be applied per language folder in Studio
- "Object reference..." error is thrown after deleting files from a project, if a package had already been created
- The "Currently logged in" section in MultiTerm/Termbase Management does not show any user - remove UI from MultiTerm Desktop
- Studio crash when creating a project - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
- MultiTrans fuzzy matches do not show the differences between the TM and the current segment
- Regular expressions in QA Verification does not flag certain errors
- Copying not possible and cursor duplicated in Studio Editor when copying results from the concordance search window more than once
- Using the Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Enter option to confirm a segment will not return the view to the current segment
- Project TMs not added to packages, if TMs were added on the specific language level
- Project creation: Incorrect file path indicating Temp folder added in .sdlxliff
- Analyse task: TM option Contain formatting tags is not applied to the word count
- Custom XML: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when trying to open a file
- QA Checker 3.0: Option "Exclude fuzzy matches down to" does not work as described in the documentation
- Opening a Microsoft PowerPoint file in Studio causes it to crash without any error messages
- Highlighting of matched search strings after a search does not disappear as expected
- The incorrect TM match with revisions is not applied correctly during batch translation (interactive translation is fine)
- MultiTerm: Using regex in Batch Edit - Find and Replace, doesn't return the expected result
- Translation units deleted when importing into a translation memory that contains translation units created by the ALIGN! and using "Keep Most Recent"
- Low performance and errors when opening a file with thousands of embedded content elements
- Index was outside the bounds of the array when running Analyse
- Object reference not set to an instance of an object when saving 2 merged files containing comments
- Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when trying to open a Server TM connected via Auth0 after Studio restart and more than 12 hours
- Studio hangs when clicking through the Projects list after loading 10 or more large projects
- AutoCorrect: Replace text as you type is not triggered for fast typing translators
- Terminology Verifier - Check for non-usage of terms gives no message for missing repeated target term
- The "update" checkbox does not remain enabled if you activate it during the "Batch Tasks - Update Main Translation Memories" task
- Object reference not set to an instance of an object error and Studio will close when using certain project templates
- Results in Word embedded preview differ from the generated target file where right-to-left markers are involved
- Add New Folder not created from target language and not visible if created from source after switching from Files View
- Project template with the same "guid" not imported even though it has changes made
- Verification is not working and returning error "Failed to verify document: Sequence contains more than one matching element." if it contains duplicate synonyms
- Editing the Verification settings for Term Verifier in a project template changes all the Project templates to the same values
- Pseudo-translate is not placing Spanish text in the target segments
- Disabling the option to Perform schema and DTD validation during file detection does not have any effect
- False QA Checker warning when segment contains text before and/or after locked tags
- Applying batch edit to large server-based TM's in Studio task fails and throws exception in TM Service agent Error log
- Tag Verifier is not detecting order change for tags with the same name but different Tag IDs
- AnyTM server-based TM: Penalties set to server-based AnyTMs do not apply
- Project creation: The option "Allow Source Editing" not applied to new projects, although active in project template
- Show whitespace characters button is not working
- Update files feature creates extra folders and files when the project has existing folders
- Find or Filter functions do not find text which is directly followed by locked inline tags
- Message when opening project: "The are bookmarks which belong to projects removed from the project list."
- Switching between Tag Text views in Editor view is not working
- Export from non-upgraded TM fails in certain Studio versions
- 'Last Modified' field in File Details view is not modified after editing a file in Studio
- Batch Edit Change Field 'ADD' function overwrites existing values
- 'Modified by' and 'Modified on' fields not displayed after editing term in server termbase from Studio
- Correction of two initial capital letters does not work consistently
- Translation units with StructureContext attribute name in TMX not imported to SDLTM format
- Creating projects from the Command Line does not add files from a folder
- Tag Verifier does not catch formatting tags that may have been added from different segments
- Not all Chinese sub-languages available for Freelance version when selecting one of the Chinese language options
- QA Checker 3.0: If a segment contains only empty tags QA Checker ignores empty translations
- Term recognition is not working with Georgian source language if multiple words in segment
- Translation Results Window: Differences between source and TM are applied to each word
- Failed to activate an invalid project containing TQA settings when using Studio Freelance
- Cannot open the file after updating it with a new version using Update File option when using folders
- "Accept/Reject all changes in Document" causes "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error
- Applying Translation on a locked segment causes Studio to crash (when saving the .sdlxliff)
- Studio: "Unspecified error occurred" when running Update Project TM Batch Task (main TM not updated)
- Changes made on "count as one if words" do not get reflected for server-based TMs when performing a TM upgrade
- Show Error Details button causing confusion with errors during TM import
- Studio does not show any error message when a TM is chosen for upgrade if the TM has issues
- Termbase viewer allows using the shortcut keys in “Default layout” causing issues
- Add > Target files by folder does not match all the files during Alignment
- Opening physically or virtually merged SDLXLIFF files without file type information leads to errors
- Verify Files Batch task does not report errors coming from XML Validator when source file is SDLXLIFF
- Terms containing '< character >' do not show up in the Term Recognition Window
- Pre-translate Files and Analyse Files: Matches from TMs with "Lookup" disabled are still used for pre-translation and analysis
- Batch Task - Analyse Files: Variables in the variable list of a TM are ignored during analysis leading to missed repetitions
- Merge Segments can cause corrupted word file: We can't open test.docx because we found a problem with its contents
- Editor: Pashto and Dari are treated as a left-to-right languages in Studio whereas they should be right-to-left
- Object reference not set to an instance of an object when accepting all changes in a document with tracked changes outside of the translatable segments
- Grouped Search verification does not recognize escaping in the RegEx target
- Preview: Cursor repeatedly disappears after clicking into Preview window
- Hard filter does not work if filter condition equals field with more than 50 characters
- The “Update translation memory” option does not work (when disabled) when auto-propagating segments
- Xliff: Sdlxliff files corrupted when editing virtually merged files with source comments
- Studio crashes when importing PDF with a lot of spaces
- TM Lookup does not work for "Tracked Changes" segments
- Alignment: Align Multiple File Pairs - UNC path is not accepted - The output folder is not valid
- Term recognition does not work with Serbian language
- Error when deactivating Studio single-user licenses
- Studio crashes randomly without any particular reason
- Specific file not getting updated when performing "Update file"
- Object reference not set to an instance of an object when getting matches for certain segments and using Serbian Former culture
- Markdown: Backslash is added to target file when copying source to target
- Enhance font handling so that private Unicode use areas can be roundtripped without character corruption
- Project automation API: Connection to server TM lost after 12 hours causing errors
- "For TM matches, copy the TM format option" does not work for Date format with non-breaking space
- Length verification does not count leading/trailing spaces from the segment
- Missing translation units after importing tmx to TM
- TQA: Auto-propagate categorization and severity setting no longer working
- "TranslationProviderThrewException" error when trying to save translations in TMs using certain Studio versions
- When opening packages from the same WorldServer project in Trados Studio with the “package-merging” feature enabled, if a project TM is empty when the first package is opened, no translation units will be imported to that TM when subsequent packages are opened
- Using CTRL+Z to undo changes after confirming a segment leads to TM duplicates
- Cannot confirm the changes of the settings for Analyse files or Pre-translate when setting the Region to Thai Thailand
- "Send Package by E-Mail" button greyed out in Package Creation Wizard when using Outlook 2010
- QA Checker: additional checks added to all languages sections are not added to the language specific section
- The "Create a New Project" wizard gets stuck after modifying Project Name
- Custom engine name not displayed
- Formatting and QuickInsert tags are stored as regular placeholders if the translation memory is updated after Perfect Match
- TM: Non-breaking hyphens stored as regular placeholders if the translation memory is updated using alignment
- Match value differs after re-indexing (TM compatibility issue)
- Changed tag order not saved to TM
- Acronyms are not being recognized when working with Asian languages
- Installation guide - Prerequisite Software update information
- Language pairs not visible after last Windows update 1803
- Error update message for certain Studio versions - doesn't detect correctly MVC 2017 version
- Unable to find the specified file' error message when file-based termbase is renamed
- TM matches are not applied directly after merging segments
- Serbian (Latin, Serbia and Montenegro(Former)) culture no longer supported on .NET 4.6 causing issues with TM handling
- User without edit Project permission can disable server-based project Translation Memory
- LookAhead: Translation results window doesn't offer the newly confirmed segment in certain circumstances
- SDLXLIFF converter for Microsoft Office: Could not load file or assembly Documentformat.Openxml
- Studio does not include the bilingual .sdlxliff in the Return Package (in certain scenarios)
- Error exporting TM from Studio
- SDLXLIFF Split and Merge fails to split with certain Studio versions
- No workflow displayed in the ‘Save to Cloud’ flow
- Language Cloud - ErrorCodeBadRequest when trying to open a project in certain versions of Studio
- Trados Enterprise - Open in Studio button results in an offline package being created unexpectedly - no live interaction with cloud
- Workflow is required - connection to Language Cloud failed. Try again later' error when using workflows with tasks assigned to the project creator
- Trados Team: Creating a copy of existing project template, overwrites Translation Engine
- Projects refresh does not work properly when signed out from cloud
- Cloud project package opening fails in Studio due to missing AR-001 sublanguage
- Unexpected "No workflow available" error when creating a cloud project in Studio
- BRH Kannada font applied to target segment in Online Editor and Trados Studio Editor
- Files not updated to Trados Team in Linguistic Review
- Cloud error when opening a translatable file from newly created cloud project
- Due Date not updated correctly in cloud in several situations / flows
- "Failed to load the required language resource" error on opening a cloud project translation file which uses a TM that is based on default Language Processing Rule (where no languages are defined)
- Not possible to create a standard Studio package based on an cloud offline package that contains reference files
- Trados Team: Workflow not displayed when creating a project in Trados Studio
- When using a Polish Keyboard in Studio 2021, AltGr + N triggers Sign in to cloud window instead of entering the ń sign
- Trados cloud offerings: Cannot create cloud project in Trados Studio under certain circumstances
- Error "Failed to retrieve cloud projects for the following accounts: xyz" in Trados if the Created By field is empty for the Cloud project
- Object reference not set to an instance of an object when creating Cloud Project in Studio when checking target language quota
- Upload file with the same name for the same language cannot open in Online Editor and error during import
- Cloud-generated Studio project package when opening in Studio will stall while opening the SDLXLIFF and say "not responding" then crash (when using a custom file type)
- Termbase Recognition' in Studio loses Hitlist settings when using Trados Terminology and moving to another segment
- Connection to cloud failed. Proxy authentication required
- Launching Trados Studio deletes cloud log in details under certain circumstances
- English (German/Israel/Netherlands, etc) projects - Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - when adding cloud to a project
- Error when using cloud on a patchy internet connection: Error 'The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.'
- Failed to verify document: Object reference not set to an instance of an object when running Verify (F8) with a cloud termbase
- ITD tag generating error in Studio when applying cloud-based resources
- Concordance search in Online Editor Lookup pane does not find entries that exist in the TM
- No internet connection notification incorrectly appearing in Trados Studio
Machine translation-related
- Address incorrect behaviour for machine translation origin and confirmation levels when working with MT matches
- Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when trying to use Cloud NMT resources in Studio
- "Look up segments in MT even if a TM match has been found" option does not work under certain circumstances
- Internal Fuzzy match shows no results when using AdaptiveMT from Language Cloud
- The option "Use machine translation to repair matches" does not remain selected
- Machine Translation Cloud plugin for Studio - locked inline tags missing
- Expired link in Machine Translation - Allowed character limit reached
- Certain Studio versions do not work with certain Machine Translation plug-ins
- Google Cloud Translation API not working for Hebrew - The translation provider 'Google Cloud Translation API" does not support any language pair in this project or project template. Consider using AnyTM (Add -> AnyTM) to add your translation memory
- Studio plugin for Language Weaver - make asynchronous translations using the Language Weaver API more robust
- Object reference error on single file flow or pre-translate batch task in Translation Results when using Language Weaver plugin
- Pre-translate with Language Weaver plugin: One or more errors occurred - Index was out of range
- Object reference error for custom batch task Analyse and Pre-translate with Language Weaver plugin
- Error: Failed to add window command bar extensions. when starting Studio with Language Weaver Cloud plugin installed
Trados GroupShare-related
- Trados cloud offerings: Customer cannot create cloud project from Studio
- Trados cloud offerings: Translation unit penalties are not rejected after confirming the translated segment
- User list not visible when assigning to users in phase on a published Trados GroupShare project
- GroupShare Translation Memory creation fails from Studio if the user has roles in parallel organizations and no Language Processing Rules Template is used
- Auth0 type of users are not listed in Trados Studio when trying to assign user in GroupShare phase
- Cloud project pushed to GroupShare cannot be opened in Studio when target language is Japanese
- Multiple Translations Penalty is not considered when using the GroupShare Analyse and Translate Task
- Studio: unable to publish a project to GroupShare if pretranslate was done after project was created
- Studio publishes invalid settingsBundleGUID in GroupShare under certain circumstances
- SAML windows azure(active directory) single sign-on authentication script error when login made from Studio to GroupShare
- Studio fails to authenticate against GroupShare TMService Components when using single sign-on
- Error message when connecting to Machine Translation Cloud Provider in GroupShare project
- Publishing on GroupShare a project with cloud Terminology termbase corrupts Mapped Languages in the cloud Termbase project settings
- Having 2 or more filters on the same field results in TM lookup failure and error message when using GroupShare TM
- Studio: Disabled GroupShare TMs are re-enabled in Project Creation Wizard
- Trados Studio - Project Automation API - Checking Files In and Out - Adding new files to existing GroupShare project through Studio Desktop API not possible
- Studio allows adding trailing and leading spaced to field values in GroupShare TMs
- Enable "AnyTM: Any file based TM" in GroupShare projects even if permission to modify Project settings is missing
- Confirmation statistics word count is greater than the total number of words when merging segments across paragraphs leading to problems in GroupShare
- Terminology Verifier does not work if project with file-based termbase is published on GroupShare
- Trados Studio cannot connect GroupShare when adding two server addresses to one GroupShare IP
- Studio freeze / crash in specific situation with Korean source language and GroupShare termbase