You can take a CAT to water!

The phrase “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” emphasises the idea that you can offer opportunities or advantages to someone, but you can’t force them to take action if they’re unwilling. This proverb has deep historical roots, with its first recorded use in Old English around 1175, and it has been in continuous use ever since. It’s often used to illustrate the limits of influence and the importance of individual choice, making it applicable in various contexts, from personal relationships to business settings. The expression underscores a universal human truth about... Read the full text.
  • I've been testing Trados Studio 2024 for a few weeks now. Nothing but problems. Crashes, various error messages, files not pre-translating properly. Undo didn't work once. Very unconvinced. Will stick with Studio 2019. My horse tried to drink, but the water was unpalatable. Also very  disappointed because I was willing to pay €1300 for the Professional upgrade.

  • I've been testing Trados Studio 2024 for a few weeks now. Nothing but problems. Crashes, various error messages, files not pre-translating properly. Undo didn't work once. Very unconvinced. Will stick with Studio 2019. My horse tried to drink, but the water was unpalatable. Also very  disappointed because I was willing to pay €1300 for the Professional upgrade.

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