Language Weaver - Adapted Language Pairs

See this page:

(The salient part is this: 


  1. Log in to Language Weaver.
  2. Go to Settings > Language Pairs > Adapted Language Pairs.
  3. Select Create adapted LP.
    The Create adapted LP dialog is displayed.

But this is what I see when I select Language Pairs:

Screenshot of Language Weaver settings showing Language Pairs page with a list of language pairs such as Albanian to English, Arabic to English, without the option 'Create adapted LP' visible.

No option "Create adapted LP". So what is wrong - the documentation or my browser?

(In 2022, this option was available.)

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 3:33 PM (GMT 0) on 3 Feb 2025]

    Try looking in your Account Settings and then you'll see what you have access to based on the type of account you have.

    But I do agree... the documentation is poor because it says this:

    Before you begin

    You need to have an administrator or linguist role to create adapted language pairs.

    And in your account you probably see this:

    Table showing roles with permissions: Admin has all permissions, Linguist cannot manage users, Translator has no permissions.

    And also this:

    User account settings showing blurred email and name with 'You' label and an arrow pointing to the role 'Admin'.

    So I seem to be an admin here, and yet I also see this:

    Settings showing 'Language Pair Adaptation' and 'Auto Adaptive Language Pairs' options disabled with a cross mark.

    So it isn't very clear that me being an admin of my own account doesn't mean I get access to everything!

    The important part is this, that isn't explained too well:

    Account settings page with a red arrow pointing to 'TRADOS' under Account Type and buttons for 'Upgrade Subscription' and 'Contact Us'.

    This is telling me my account type is "Trados" which essentially means I have the free account provided as part of Trados Studio.  I am an Admin on my own free account, and since it's free the features I get are limited - see this KB article.

    So if you want more click on the Upgrade Subscription and you'll find the costs and features.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 2:03 PM (GMT 0) on 8 Mar 2025]
  • Thanks! In other words, a subscription upgrade is necessary (which I should have found out by myself). However, not just any upgrade will work:
    Screenshot of subscription options for translators showing three plans: STARTER at 8.33 euros per month with features like unlimited documents, 3,000+ language pairs, and API access; TEAM at 33.33 euros per month including 5 users and 5 dictionaries; ADAPTIVE at 41.66 euros per month offering 1 adaptable language pair and a 14-day free trial.

    In other words, I need to pay €41.66 per month to be able to use ONE adaptable language pair. 

    Anyway, as you say, the documentation is lacking, because having an administrator role is, as you say, not enough.

    I think my question arose because I had probably had access, in 2022, to an adaptive language pair as part of a free trial of the Adaptive subscription and now, a long time afterwards, I did not and had forgotten why. And instead of digging a bit, I was lazy enough to pose the question here. But maybe it can lead to the documentation being slightly updated.

    In fact, if I had read my own text on this in the manual, I would have found all the answers... Grimacing


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 12:21 PM (GMT 0) on 11 Mar 2025]
  • Thanks! In other words, a subscription upgrade is necessary (which I should have found out by myself). However, not just any upgrade will work:
    Screenshot of subscription options for translators showing three plans: STARTER at 8.33 euros per month with features like unlimited documents, 3,000+ language pairs, and API access; TEAM at 33.33 euros per month including 5 users and 5 dictionaries; ADAPTIVE at 41.66 euros per month offering 1 adaptable language pair and a 14-day free trial.

    In other words, I need to pay €41.66 per month to be able to use ONE adaptable language pair. 

    Anyway, as you say, the documentation is lacking, because having an administrator role is, as you say, not enough.

    I think my question arose because I had probably had access, in 2022, to an adaptive language pair as part of a free trial of the Adaptive subscription and now, a long time afterwards, I did not and had forgotten why. And instead of digging a bit, I was lazy enough to pose the question here. But maybe it can lead to the documentation being slightly updated.

    In fact, if I had read my own text on this in the manual, I would have found all the answers... Grimacing


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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 12:21 PM (GMT 0) on 11 Mar 2025]
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