Hello Team
please let me know by when chat GPT MT plugins available in RWS live teams

Hello Team
please let me know by when chat GPT MT plugins available in RWS live teams
Hi Sreekanth V
When you say
Are you referring to Microsoft?
There is a Microsoft Machine Translation Provider for RWS Language Cloud which can be installed from here
Looking forward to your clarifications
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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thanks for your reply,
no i am not looking for Microsoft, looking for chat GPT AI.
I too would like Trados to work with GPT AI, similar as it does with Google translate.
I too would like Trados to work with GPT AI, similar as it does with Google translate.
We may in time add this capability for MT, but right now it's a very low priority. The reason for us is because the performamce f the OpenAI API is very poor and it takes far too long to return a result.
But if you're determined I suggest you try a plugin from Custom.MT as they already support the use of GPT and custom prompting for MT:
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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