Search & Replace for multiple terms/phrases


I'm just responding to this thread in here with a possible AHK solution:

 RE: Search & replace multiple words/terms in pre-translated segments? 

^!h:: ; The hotkey for Ctrl+Alt+H to start the process
global filePaths := {} ; Create an associative array to store full file paths
global fileNames := "" ; Create a variable to store the file names
global PosX, PosY ; Create global variables to store the dropdown menu's position

Gui, Add, DropDownList, w450 vFilePath ; Add a dropdown list to the GUI with width of 400
Gui, Font, s12 ; Set the font size to 12

Loop, Read, c:\Users\pfilkin\Documents\SDL\AppStore\2023\Search_Replace_AHK\settings.txt ; Read the hardcoded settings file line by line
    SplitPath, A_LoopReadLine, name, dir, ext, name_no_ext, drive ; Split the file path into parts
    fileNames .= name_no_ext . "|" ; Add the file name (without extension) to the string, separated by "|"
    filePaths[name_no_ext] := A_LoopReadLine ; Store the full file path in the associative array

fileNames := SubStr(fileNames, 1, StrLen(fileNames) - 1) ; Remove the last "|"
GuiControl,, FilePath, %fileNames% ; Set the items of the dropdown list

WinGetPos, PosX, PosY,,, A ; Get the position of the active window
PosY := PosY - 150 ; Subtract 150 from PosY
Gui, Show, x%PosX% y%PosY% w500 h100, Select a file ; Show the GUI at the position of the active window with a larger window
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, A ; Make the GUI always stay on top of other windows

GuiClose: ; When the GUI is closed
Gui, Submit, NoHide ; Store the dropdown list's current selection in the variable filePath
filePath := filePaths[filePath] ; Retrieve the full file path from the associative array
Gui, Destroy ; Destroy the GUI
GoSub, StartReplace ; Continue with the search and replace operation

WinActivate, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe ; Activate SDL Trados Studio

Loop, Read, %filePath% ; Read the selected file line by line
    StringSplit, line, A_LoopReadLine, `t ; Split the line into "line1" (search term) and "line2" (target term)
    searchTerm := line1 ; Assign the search term
    targetTerm := line2 ; Assign the target term

    ; Click in the "Find what" field
    ControlClick, Edit2, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe
    Sleep, 100
    ; Select all text and delete it
    Send, {Home}+{End}{Del}
    Sleep, 100
    ; Send the search term keystrokes
    Send, {Text}%searchTerm%
    Sleep, 100

    ; Click in the "Replace with" field
    ControlClick, Edit1, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe
    Sleep, 100
    ; Select all text and delete it
    Send, {Home}+{End}{Del}
    Sleep, 100
    ; Send the target term keystrokes
    Send, {Text}%targetTerm%
    Sleep, 100

    ; Click the "Replace All" button
    ControlClick,, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe
    Sleep, 100

; PosY := PosY - 150 ; Subtract 150 from PosY
Gui, 2:New, +AlwaysOnTop ; Create a new GUI for our custom message box
Gui, 2:Font, s12 ; Set the font size to 12
Gui, 2:Add, Text, w500 h50, The search and replace operation is complete. ; Add a text element to the GUI
Gui, 2:Show, x%PosX% y%PosY% w500 h100, Operation Complete ; Show the GUI at the position of the dropdown menu with the title "Operation Complete"

Sleep, 500 ; Wait for 500 milliseconds (half a second)
WinActivate, Operation Complete ; Activate the GUI window using its unique title


2GuiClose: ; When the custom message box is closed
Gui, 2:Destroy ; Destroy the GUI

I definitely didn't write this on my own... I used ChatGPT by starting small and slowly enhancing the script until I had what I needed.  I think it took me around 3-hours from start to finish last night, but I think it's a good example of how we can use AI to help with our work.  I created a short video to explain how this works as it may not be obvious without some context.


Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Cool! I've also been playing around with ChatGPT a lot and have created all kinds of useful little AutoHotkey and Python scripts to do things in my daily work life. I'm definitely no programmer, but have already learnt loads with the help of ChatGPT.

    I have little Python scripts to extract data from multilingual dictionaries in PDF form, all kinds of little AHK scripts to automate stuff on my computer, and most interestingly/usefully (for me at least) is something I am working on called ‘’. This is a visual dashboard providing centralised access to many little tools I use when translating. The individual items are grouped into categories like Text actions, Web searches, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc. The individual items can be accessed through various interaction modalities, such as clicking on menu items, using keyboard shortcuts or even voice commands (powered by Talon Voice, my Dragon replacement). For more information on, see I also made a very quick video and stuck it here:

  • Cool! I've also been playing around with ChatGPT a lot and have created all kinds of useful little AutoHotkey and Python scripts to do things in my daily work life. I'm definitely no programmer, but have already learnt loads with the help of ChatGPT.

    I have little Python scripts to extract data from multilingual dictionaries in PDF form, all kinds of little AHK scripts to automate stuff on my computer, and most interestingly/usefully (for me at least) is something I am working on called ‘’. This is a visual dashboard providing centralised access to many little tools I use when translating. The individual items are grouped into categories like Text actions, Web searches, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc. The individual items can be accessed through various interaction modalities, such as clicking on menu items, using keyboard shortcuts or even voice commands (powered by Talon Voice, my Dragon replacement). For more information on, see I also made a very quick video and stuck it here:

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