How are reused the data collected by Trados CoPilot?

Hello everyone,

Here the more detailed version of my question:

Does the data collected by Trados CoPilot's LLMs (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) when working with it on a project are stored on a dedicated server linked to our RWS account ?
Or are they sent  to OpenAI servers to train their LLMs ?

I ask this because I attended the webinar on June 25th about Trados Studio 2024 and its new features, and at some point someone asked: "How does the use of A.I. affect confidentiality issues?"

To this question, Daniel Brockmann answered we should ask our customers if they're okay with us using A.I. to be more productive, like in any typical translation contract's part about confidential content. If the customers are not okay, we just have to disable the option. Up to us to decide in cases with no real confidential matters from what I understood.

But he didn't specify if it could be a problem in the sense that the data collected by Trados CoPilot could reappear in its future suggestions on other projects (or just be stored somewhere less protected against hack, like our PC), or if it could be a problem in the sense that the data collected could be used by OpenAI to train its LLMs.

So : is Trados CoPilot directly connected to OpenAI servers?

I really need to know.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

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