Quick Google look-up of selected text

Press Alt+G after selecting the text

;Google lookup
OldClipboard:= Clipboard
Clipboard:= ""
Send, ^c ;copies selected text
Run http://www.google.com/search?q=%Clipboard%
Sleep 200
Clipboard:= OldClipboard


Edit: Part of the script had been converted to a link and was not showing properly. I've now edited this.

  • Hi, 

    I've added some additional code to this great hotkey so that, if a Google Search window is already open in a Chrome browser, it performs the look-up in this Google Search Chrome tab instead of launching a new Chrome tab each time you use the hotkey.

    Best regards,




    chrome := "- Google Chrome"
    found := "false"
    tabSearch := "Google Search"
    curWinNum := 0

    SetTitleMatchMode, 2

    OldClipboard:= Clipboard
    Clipboard:= ""
    Send, ^c ;copies selected text

    WinGet, numOfChrome, Count, %chrome% ; Get the number of chrome windows
    if(numOfChrome = 0){
    Run http://www.google.com/search?q=%Clipboard%
    WinActivateBottom, %chrome% ; Activate the least recent window

    WinWaitActive %chrome% ; Wait until the window is active

    ControlFocus, Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND1 ; Set the focus to tab control

    ; Loop until all windows are tried, or until we find it
    while (curWinNum < numOfChrome and found = "false") {
    WinGetTitle, firstTabTitle, A ; The initial tab title
    title := firstTabTitle
    if(InStr(title, tabSearch)>0){
    found := "true"
    Send {Ctrl down}{Tab}{Ctrl up}
    Sleep, 50
    WinGetTitle, title, A ;get active window title
    if(title = firstTabTitle){
    if(found = "false"){
    WinActivateBottom, %chrome%
    curWinNum := curWinNum + 1
    if(found = "true"){
    Send, !d ;focuses on address bar
    Send, %clipboard% ;pastes copied text
    Send, {Enter}
    if(found = "false"){
    Run http://www.google.com/search?q=%Clipboard%
    Sleep 200
    Clipboard:= OldClipboard

  • This may require some editing if you use a different default browser than Chrome (e.g. change to chrome := "- Mozzila Firefox" at the top) and/or a different language than English in that browser (e.g. change to tabSearch := "Google zoeken")... When I've got some spare time, I'll try to adapt the code to suit all browsers.
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