Get files name in a folder

If you need to get the names of all files in a specific folder (say to put them on your invoice), it can sometimes be a long process when you have many files...


Here is a script that gets them all in the clipboard:


#IfWinNotActive ahk_class CabinetWClass

;press on Win+F2 to run the macro

FolderSizeKB = 0
FileSelectFolder, WhichFolder ; Ask the user to pick a folder.

clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard.
Msgbox % list_files(WhichFolder)

clipboard = % list_files(WhichFolder)

; files =
; Loop %Directory%\*.*
; {
; files = %files%`n%A_LoopFileName%
; }
; return files

files =
Loop %Directory%\*.*
if (files = "")
files = %A_LoopFileName%
} else
files = %files%; %A_LoopFileName%
return files