TIP - Retaining the Clipboard contents

I've seen, that most of the scripts shared in this forum, if they use the clipboard, they will erase what you have copied before you start the script, but you would probably often need the (original) clipbord content, when the script has finished. – Therefore you could do the following:

[your hotkey to start the script]::
    temp := ClipboardAll
    [your script including ^c or other clipboard use]
    clipboard := temp
    temp =


  1. temp retains the clipboard content for you until the script does no longer use the clipboard
  2. with the last step, the temp variable is cleared
  • Thank you Host-Helge! This is a good reminder.

    I confess that I have several scripts where the clipboard contents are not preserved at all. And I'm probably wrong, but sometimes it feels like using the clipboard preservation lines seems to affect the deployment of the script.

    For example, this short script that came up in the forum yesterday:

    ;Freetranslation.com lookup
    OldClipboard:= Clipboard
    Clipboard:= ""
    Send, ^c ;copies selected text
    Run www.freetranslation.com/search
    Sleep 2000
    Send ^v
    Clipboard:= OldClipboard

    I couldn't get that to work until I changed it to:

    ;Freetranslation.com lookup
    Sleep 200
    Send, ^c
    Run www.freetranslation.com/search
    Sleep 2000
    Send ^v
    Send, +{Tab} ;added later to move the focus to the Translate button
    Send, {Enter} ;to "click" the Translate button

    With the first script, the selected text was not being sent to the clipboard, and the old contents of the clipboard were being pasted into the search box.