Script for changing segment status

Inspired by Paul's recent blog post, I've just tried for over an hour to create a script to change the segment status. Specifically, I want to be able to assign the status "Translation Approved" and "Translation Rejected" via keyboard shortcuts while I'm in "Translation" mode in the Editor.

I consulted the AHK documentation and watched a couple of tutorials and found that what I'm trying to do should be easy enough - just two mouse clicks, first on "Change Segment Status", then on the respective status. Figuring out the absolute cursor positions on my screen was also easy using "Active Window Info".

So the script below is supposed to assign "Translation Approved" in the maximized Editor window on a 27'' screen when I press Ctrl + Win key + q. But unfortunately, it doesn't. It clicks on "Change Segment Status", but then it stops without clicking on the status. Can anybody see or guess what I've done wrong here?

Thanks in advance!


;Studio 2017: Change Segment Status > Translation Approved (find absolute mouse cursor position using "Active Window Info" in AHK's program folder)
^#q::click 1346 108
click 1346 218

Parents Reply Children
  • Yeah, AHK really is very useful, but it does have quite a learning curve and it sometimes is difficult to take time out of a busy work day to figure out stuff like that.

    That's why I'm puzzled and a bit miffed that I didn't know about the app, which is great, too (and a lot quicker and simpler). I think the reason is that the SDL Community still doesn't work the way it should for me. (You remember I had problems a while ago and you helped me by resetting my account?)

    I'm glad to report that I now do get the stuff I am directly involved in. However, there is still something wrong with the daily digest. I get a "daily" digest completely irregularly about once every two weeks. I'm sure they don't go into the junk folder, because I check that daily. Is there anything you (or I) can do about it? Maybe we could try a different email address, I'm just not sure if that is possible. How closely is the Community account tied to license account? Does it need to be for the same address?