Help with a multiple text replacement script

Even though this forum so far has been for sharing scripts and not for writing them, I was wondering if I could pick the brains of AHK experts ( and  come to mind right now), to figure something out.

I'm trying to put together a script to do multiple text replacements at a segment level, i.e., for the active segment only, so I can easily see what has been changed, without calling up the Find & Replace window.

I've managed to put together this script (silly examples included):

ClipSaved := ClipboardAll
Clipboard =
SendInput, ^a^c
ClipWait, 30
FixString := Clipboard
vList := " ;continuation section
dog perro

house casa
¿ ¿
/ /
, ,
? ?
. .
pie 2 pie2
m 2 m2
Loop, Parse, vList, `n
oTemp := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "`t")
FixString := StrReplace(FixString, oTemp.1, oTemp.2)
oTemp := ""
Clipboard := FixString ; load the new string to clipboard
Sleep 200
Send ^v

This works fine in segments with no tags, but when there are tags, they get stripped at some point during the replacement operation and the text that is pasted back into the segment has all the necessary replacements but no tags. Is there any way of preserving the tags in the clipboard?

I came up with a very clumsy workaround for this, which involves using Studio's Delete to Next Tag shortcut, so instead of Select All-Copy, the script would do Delete to Next Tag-Undo-Copy:

ClipSaved := ClipboardAll
Clipboard =
;SendInput, ^a^c
;ClipWait, 30
Send ^+D ;delete to next tag
Sleep 100
Send ^z ;undo
Sleep 50
Send ^c
ClipWait, 30
FixString := Clipboard
vList := " ;continuation section
organisation organization
¿ ¿
/ /
, ,
? ?
. .
pie 2 pie2
m 2 m2
Loop, Parse, vList, `n
oTemp := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "`t")
FixString := StrReplace(FixString, oTemp.1, oTemp.2)
oTemp := ""
Clipboard := FixString ; load the new string to clipboard
Sleep 200
Send ^v

While this also works in segments with no tags, I would like to optimize it.

My second question is: how would I go about creating a list of all these replacements (CSV? Excel?) and getting the script to take them from there instead of having to add them manually to the script? I've been reading up on arrays but I'm still far away from being able to implement what I need.

I have another simpler script attempt with just multiple StringReplace lines (see below), but again, that would require creating possibly hundreds of replacement lines and I imagine it's not the best solution.

Send, ^a
Send, ^c
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, dog, perro, All
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, cat, gato, All
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, raining, lloviendo, All
Send ^v

So, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Parents Reply
  • I have used TermInjector in the past, but not for a couple of years, it may be worth having a new look.

    I need this script for several things:

    1. MT post edit job clean-up: lots of unwanted spaces before specific punctuation marks and around backslashes and mixed quotation marks that are a pain to delete/fix manually but still need to be checked segment by segment (for those times I don't want to run a global Find and Replace on the document)
    2. Also in MT post edit jobs: term replacement, which can be recurrent depending on the MT engine used by the client on the file
    3. Regular editing jobs: multiple term replacement but only for the current segment
    4. Localization jobs: I have a list of words that always need to be localized

    I also need to be able to share the solution with my team and an AHK script + a file that can be easily edited would be a lot easier to share than TermInjector, which is a bit more complicated to implement, from what I remember.
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