This bug has long, long and long notorious history
Now, you can fix it successfully, easily and quickly
First, close the document at SDL Trados Studio - no need to quit SDL Trados Studio itself
Run this code, select the ".sdlxliff" file you wanted to fix
Open the document again at SDL Trados Studio.
Wow.. You are happy again.
it makes a Backup file just in case
not tested seriously and perfectly - because, I just do not want to disturb somebody else's job
tested simply, quicky and personally.
If you have any problem with this code, do not complain abou it, just do not use it.
Or you could develop it, you have all the codes. Right ?
Attahced - AutoHotkey source code
Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 4:17 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]