To extract TM [3/3] - inconsistencies

Former Member
Former Member

; This code extracts all the inconsistently recored TUs from TMs
; This code treats multiple SDL TMs at once just like a single one.   <--  Max. 9 TMs
; You select a Folder which has TMs you wanted to process.

; You have to put "sqlite3.dll" at the same folder with this code. This file comes from SQLite site.

This is very simple test, nothing serious at all 


It reports  incosistent  OR   duplicated TUs
It ignores puctuations, spaces, tags, cases and numbers - focused on source characters only.

Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a list of Translation Units (TUs) with inconsistencies extracted from Translation Memories (TMs). Highlighted rows indicate errors.

AutoHotkey source code




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[edited by: Trados AI at 4:21 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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