Read selection aloud for comprehension and quality checking


I would like to share a simple ahk script which I find helps me with understanding the source easily and then quality checking the target I have written. Its especially useful for long segments.

The script makes use of the immersive reader in Word. To use it you will need to have open the immersive reader in Word (under View) and Trados.

Select the text you want to have read aloud then hit F1 (or your desired hotkey)

F1:: ;read aloud

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Sleep, 50
sendInput, ^c
Sleep, 50
WinActivate, Word
Sleep, 150
sendInput, ^a
Sleep, 50
sendInput, {Enter} ;to avoid the text being obscured by the play dialog box in Word
Sleep, 50
sendInput, ^v
Sleep, 50
sendInput, ^{home}
Sleep, 150
sendInput, ^!{space} ;this tells Word to read the text aloud
Sleep, 150
sendInput, ^!{space} ;for me, I found I need to run this command twice to work stably for both source and target languages

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