Shortcut ALT+N to change

I'm a Russian-Polish translator. In Polish there are special letters as ś, ż ó etc. When I try to put the letter Ń (alt +N) , a window with RSW account login appears. I've not found such sortcut in the options. Please help to delete this shortcut. My program is Freeland 2021.

  • Hi Maria,

    I was also suprised to see that the shortcut is not listed in Options. I think the fastest way to solve this would be to use an AutoHotkey script for Alt+N. 

    This is what you would need to do:

    First, download AutoHotkey ( and install it. Once installed, you won't see anything open, that's normal. AutoHotkey runs in the background and allows you to run your own scripts (macros), which are created in plain text editors, such as Notepad or Notepad++.

    To create a new script:

    1. Go to a folder in Windows Explorer where you would like to save your script (I have a folder called AutoHotkey Scripts just to keep them all in one place). Right-click on an empty space in the folder and select New-AutoHotkey Script. Give a name to your script and save it.

    So far, you have the empty "skeleton" of a script. Now you need to enter the actions you want it to execute.

    2. Right-click on the script and select Open, then open it with a text editor, such as Notepad (I prefer Notepad++, available for free).

    3. Once the file is open, you will see that there's already some text in it. Paste the script code in a new line.

    4. Save the file. Now double-click the file, and this will load the script. Look for a green square with a white H in it in your system tray, which indicates that the script is active.

    5. Now that the script is active, press your hotkey to trigger the actions in the script.

    And this is the line of code you need to insert as noted in step 3 above:

    !n::Send Ń

    And that's it! 

  • Dear Nora,

    Thank You for Your answer.

    In fact I want to delete any shortcut for Alt+N for Tados in order to work normal as for polish alphabet - it normally gives the letter ń.

    Alt+N works normally everywhere (Word, Notepad) but Trados.
    Only here it opens a new window.

    So I don’t think creating a general new shortcut is a good idea.

    Rather I need help in “switching it off” in Trados.

  • If you add this line at the beginning of your script, it will only work in Trados:

    #IfWinActive ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe

    I couldn't find a way to delete the Alt+N shortcut in Trados, and that's why I suggested this solution, but maybe someone else will have a better idea.

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