How can I mention someone?

Hello connoisseurs,

How can I mention someone here in the forum? I tried @Paul etc. in this thread:
but it does not seem to work.

Best wishes

  • Hi Matthias,

    You can either do what I just did with your name and copy the name above the post. It's tricky, you need to place your cursor just after the name and use the mouse to drag and highlight the name. It requires some patience as it doesn't always work easily.

    What most people do is to use the @ symbol then type the name of the person (lower case works fine) without a space. So for you, I'd type @ followed by matthiaskenter
    That usually works. However, if the name is common, sometimes it is better to just use the surname if it is uncommon. A dropdown list of suggestions appears.

    For others, the combination of letters may be different, for example Paul's address is @ followed by pfilkin. However, the surname alone works nicely. So just type @ followed by filkin  

    I hope this helps!

    All the best,

    Ali Slight smile

  • Hi Matthias,

    You can either do what I just did with your name and copy the name above the post. It's tricky, you need to place your cursor just after the name and use the mouse to drag and highlight the name. It requires some patience as it doesn't always work easily.

    What most people do is to use the @ symbol then type the name of the person (lower case works fine) without a space. So for you, I'd type @ followed by matthiaskenter
    That usually works. However, if the name is common, sometimes it is better to just use the surname if it is uncommon. A dropdown list of suggestions appears.

    For others, the combination of letters may be different, for example Paul's address is @ followed by pfilkin. However, the surname alone works nicely. So just type @ followed by filkin  

    I hope this helps!

    All the best,

    Ali Slight smile
