Translation Memory issue with Studio 2017.

 Hi, I'm Michel from Canada. Wondering if the issue I have with my French Translation memory with Studio 2017 has been resolved. Paul Filkin was involved in this issue and suggested a return back to Studio 2015 until issue is resolved.

Please advise.


Parents Reply
  • Hi Paul,

    I guess I confused the TM and MT again. It was in fact an MT issue. When I received a reply from Radu this morning, he got me thinking. I went into I project settings and removed the Language Cloud. Re installed it and noticed that it was set to baseline with a drop down menu. Never saw that before, the option there was to go to English to French. Tried that and it activated the LT. Then went to my template and replaced the LT added automatically when I installed Studio 2017 and set to E to F. Tried it on a few files and it works fine!

    I guess we missed that setting initially. Happy to see it working. Now I can concentrate on Studio 2017 and learn more about it.

    Thanks for your assistance