Adaptive TM not working


I have just started to use a trial version of studio 2017 planning to subsequently upgrade to a licensed version. I am very new to this tool.

I get the following message while trying to use SDL cloud machine translation

"An error has occurred whilst using the translation provider SDL Language Cloud: Connection to Language Cloud failed"

I have added SDL language cloud from

Go to Project Settings -> Language Pairs -> All Language Pairs -> Translation Memory and Automated Translation

however it is not working.

I am working with both French-English and English-French pairs..

Is MT in the target text not provided in the trial version (It says that it is a fully loaded version)? Is MT in the target text not provided at all?

Please help me with this. I want to have a hands on experience before getting a licensed version.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Amit,

    Thank you for your interest in using SDL Language Cloud Machine Translation.

    The situation you are describing is unfortunatelly not covered by our subscriptions for the moment.
    As Paul was mentioning, in order to use Language Cloud for free in Trados Studio you need a Trados Studio license.
    Since you are just on the 30 Day Trados Trial, you do not have access to that Free Language Cloud subscription.
    We need to look into it and find a solution for this situation.

    The 10 Day trial you activated is an Online Editor Trial. This is only for use in the Online Translator Editor which is like a simplified version of Studio with a TM and MT online.

    For use in Trados Studio you need a subscription that has Trados integration as a benefit.
    For this the 30 Day Language Cloud Trial designed to work for MS Office apps, also works in Trados Studio. I have reset it for you and activated the correct subscription. However this subscription will not have Adaptive MT as it is not designed to work with Trados Studio. It should however give you an idea of how Language Cloud MT works in Trados Studio.

    See the 3 different types of Language Cloud Subscriptions in this article:

    Please let us know if it works for you now.
  • Hello Radu

    Thanks for your response. I am very new to the TRADOS interface, my queries could therefore be a bit ambiguous since I do not understand properly how it works. I will just try to reformulate a few queries so as to have some more clarity. I wanted SDL cloud translation to have a hands on experience on how to work with MT in TRADOS environment even if it is for a very short period.

    I) Will I be able to use Language cloud for MS office apps (the one you have activated). If I want to translate a word document will machine translation appear as a target text?
    2) The link regarding the 3 different types of Language Cloud Subscriptions shows one professional tab which offers free subscription upto 400000 characters and says "Machine Translation packages to use when translating in SDL Trados studio". Is it not a subscription to SDL Cloud?
    3) What is Adaptive MT and how is it different from Online Translator editor?

    In the meanwhile I will try to work with the subscription you have activated.

  • Hi Amis,

    It is perfectly normal to have this questions sice our products are quite complex and have various types of integrations between them.

    I will answer to your questions but please feel free to add any other questions if needed:
    1. Yes you will be able to use Language Cloud in MS Office for 30 days. See this article how to do this:
    However this subscription will also work in Trados Studio but without AdaptiveMT

    2. The 400.000 characters subscription is the Free Language Cloud subscription that anyone who has a Trados Studio license has access to.

    3. AdaptiveMT is the newest feature in Trados Studio 2017, it is a revolutionary technoligy that learns from the translations of the translator and addapts the Machine Translation output to be closer to the translator's type. See on the link below more information.

    AdaptiveMT only works in Trados Studio 2017.
    Online Translator Editor is a simplified service aimed at casual translators that only offers an Editor with Machine Translation and a Translation Memory linked to it. The Editor is an online based service, whereas Trados Studio is a professional desktop product aimed at professional translators.

    Hope this makes things a bit clearer now.
  • Hello Radu

    I have worked with the trial version useing the SDL language cloud. I am quite familiar with the tool and its interfaces now and look forward to buy a licensed version.

    However while I understand the process of translating and extracting a document. There are a few queries, would be great if you could clarify these.

    1) How can I add translation memory in Trados? I started without any terms bases or Translation memories since I had not done any translations with Trados, however last month I have processed a few documents. Can I add thses in the TM.

    2) Can I add previously translated documents (without Trados ) into Trados translation memory?

    3) How can I calculate % fuzzy matches? How does the system of fuzzy matches work.
    I was recently contacted for a translation with a grid/matrix which said 50% for all the fuzzys and 25% for the 100% (On a standard quote of USD 0.10). My question is how will I get to know the percentage of fuzzy or 100% matches or how will the client get to know them. Besides for someone starting with Trados there may not be any fuzzy matches to begin with.

    Hope I have formulated the questions correctly since my own understanding is still limited.
