Spellcheck no longer works - failed to create Settings page

Unfortunately I did a Windows 10 update and Trados update at the same time, so not sure what is causing the problem.


But if I go to File > Options > Editor > Spelling, I get a pop-up error window that says "Failed To Create Settings Page". 


I tried to rename SpellCheck under AppData/Roaming/SDL and starting Trados again, but no luck :-(  Spellcheck does not work.





Parents Reply
  • Thanks, but unfortunately the problems was much deeper. I did try the Reset, but no luck. I suspected Windows 10 was corrupted as this appeared to be an issue with writing permissions (other programs started to throw weird errors). I tried to Repair Windows, but that didn't work either. Ended up having to do a full Windows Reset and reinstall of Trados. Very time consuming but I have my Trados back!

    Have a feeling this was all caused by the last Windows update which failed half-way through. Even though it was apparently successful on the second attempt, some files must have gotten corrupted. I really wish there was a Mac version of Trados :-)
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member in reply to Vincent Schoenfeld

    IMO Windows 10, the operating system, it does not just "get corrupted". When a program (SDL Trados Studio, Word, Excel, you name it) fails, the likelihood that it is an operating system problem is very low. Each program has its own peculiarities and thousand of moving parts and the odds of not working properly due to a misconfiguration are in this case really high. I make this comment because I keep reading in this forum (and also in other Internet places) that people "reinstalled Windows" because they had a problem with a particular application. Windows 10 is very stable, secure and nimble (and has been like that since the times of Windows 7). Of course, if you have an old computer with 2GB of memory that may not be true.