Does MT use local (non-cloud) termbases?


I'm working with a project using

- my local memory

- SDL Language Cloud Machine Translation (with adaptive engine)

- my local termbase (I have uploaded the same termbase to the cloud but I have not added it to my project settings because I get too few or too many suggestions)

I'm getting MT suggestions which contain the terms from my local termbase. Is that a new feature? A few weeks ago this did not seem to happen.


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  • Hi Paul,

    I'm using a project with the same setup as in my previous post:
    - local memory + SDL Language Cloud Machine Translation (with adaptive engine)
    - local termbase (no cloud termbase is associated to the project, but they exist)
    My impression is again that the terms included in the sentences suggested by the MT are those in my cloud termbase (not used in the project) rather than in my local termbase.

    My other question is:
    why can't cloud termbases use the same search mechanism used in local termbases?
    the hits from local termbases are reliable, the hits from cloud termbases are unreliable. I have tried different settings but I still get too many/too few hits.
