The translation provider required for this entry is not installed on this machine? No success with previous answer from the forum.

I tried remove it from project and from Main Option settings and add it again, while being logged on my account.

Still not working.

Any suggestion?

attached screenshot

Thank you

Screenshot of Trados Studio showing an error message 'Failed to load plugin' in the Options dialog under the Plugins tab, with a list of plugins screenshot.docx

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 5:07 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Hi  

    Unknown said:
    In the TM settings on the screenshot from my previous post,

    The screenshot is too small and I can't read it.  Better to insert the image rather than copy paste it:

    Unknown said:
    To make sure my SDL adaptative MT is really the one selected, I don't see the Adaptative MT icon (with the light bulb) how can I tell if it is really the one in use and not the standard 'Baseline'.

    You can't tell in the screen you are showing.  If you did select an adaptive engine and not the baseline then it will be used, and you can trell when you start to get results.  This is where you see the light bulb:

    Unknown said:
    Finally, if i read correctly, I have to be logged in my SDL account to have results from SDL Cloud MT ?

    Correct... at least logged in through Studio in the top right hand corner:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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